Devilman manga fully colored
Devilman manga fully colored

devilman manga fully colored

If you haven’t read it yet, give it a try.Super_Comrade Fandoms: Devilman (Anime & Manga), Devilman Lady (Manga) Life isn’t always so cut and dry, there will always be grey area’s and Devilman is a story that really puts that into perspective. However if one were to dig into the story, they would find not only is Devilman not the actual devil, but he’s the hero! If you were to take a look at Satan who is a hermaphrodite winged angel (Yes for those who don’t know Satan was a fallen angel in the bible.) and put him next to a picture of Devilman, most would assume that Satan, the angelic looking one is the hero, when in fact it’s the complete opposite. Someone hears the name Devilman and would assume he’s the villain, why? Because it says Devil, a fair assumption as the devil is rarely referred to as a being of justice. This brings up the final theme, which while not the most important one, still crucial to our world today and that is the age-old saying to not judge a book by it’s cover, both literally and figuratively this comes into play here.

devilman manga fully colored

In the manga, after it’s revealed that demons are among us, mankind goes into a panic, hunting down both innocent and guilty, this is how Miki and her family are killed, not by demons, but by people, indeed humans are the bigger monsters. Those who want no conflict must still suffer the results of those daily struggles of others. An innocent bystander, unaware of the horrible truth until it’s to late. The death of Miki is a metaphor for the death of peace. Akira though a demon, still fights for humanity, he never abandons his human heart, even after his life long love is killed, her head on a stake waving in front of him, done by the very humans he swore to protect, he eventually comes back to face off against Satan in the end. We become what we hate, but there is always the lesser evil. Become the very thing he’s against, in the same sense that in order to defend against killers, we train our own killers. He must merge with a demon to fight demons. For Akira Fudo, the timid and shy young man, who despises violence this effects him the most. Humans becoming demons mirror the draft, turning your average citizen into a cold killing machine, an instrument of death.

devilman manga fully colored

The original Devilman manga was actually written as an anti-war story. If one were to watch the anime there are similarities, even some scenes mirroring the manga, this was the result of Nagai working closely with the producers as with a lot of his anime and thus share similar themes. Thus Devilman the anime was born, with Nagai writing a more mature themed manga at the same time, keeping the dark tone of Dante and adding in more elements of horror. Released in the early 70’s Devilman was different for it’s time, one of the first to show such depth and violence worked into one cleverly written story, it derived when Toei animation studios wanted Nagai to create an anime for Mao Dante, but with more of an anti-hero character and toned down violence. A semi spin-off of Go Nagai’s previous work Demon Lord Dante (Mao Dante) with similar idea’s and themes, however Devilman is where these themes can shine through the strongest, with many spin-off’s and sequels, each with various artists and writers interpretations, is there more to this story then just occult themes and violence? You bet your cigarettes laced with drugs there are! Devilman is my favorite manga and a classic form manga artist Go Nagai.

Devilman manga fully colored